danses de la saison 2024 2025 mercredi 18h30Débutantsmercredi 20hnovicesvendredi 18h30intermédiaireslundi 18h30danses vintagesA Bar song-Cri cri-Washed up in Austin-Back to the start-Homecoming-Why indiana-Won’t Forget_Washed up in Austin-Miles on it-Bring down the house-Let it run-Homecoming-Summer flyA Bar song-Cri cri-Won’t forget-Hey hallelujah-Miles on it-Washed up in Austin-Around the fire-Homecoming-Let it run-Nathan’s girl-Pizziricco-Some beach-City of New Orleans-Cucaratcha-Red hot salsa-All shook up-The trail-American kid-Rock around the clock